Fire Risk Assessments

Our team have extensive experience working with many different types of buildings with different layouts and of all ages, from historic Grade II listed premises to brand new modern office buildings.
A fire risk assessment is essential to keeping your premises safe for everyone concerned and you’ll want to know that your premises are as safe as they can be should the worst happen. The fire risk assessment looks at possible fire hazards, the likelihood of a fire occurring and the consequences of a fire taking place.
We can provide you with full Fire Risk Assessments for basic or complex buildings where required.
The DCLG Guides on the Fire Safety Orders outlines five steps for a fire risk assessment:
Step 1: Identify fire hazards.
Step 2: Identify people at risk.
Step 3: Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk.
Step 4: Record, plan inform, instruct and train.
Step 5: Keep the assessment under review and revise as necessary.
Fire Risk Assessment: The Process
PAS 79 (Fire risk assessment – guidance and a recommended methodology) recommends the following for any fire risk assessment:
1. Obtain information on the building, the processes carried out in the building and the people present, or likely to be present, in the building;
2. Identify the fire hazards and means for their elimination or control;
3. Assess the likelihood of fire, at least in subjective terms;
4. Determine the fire protection measures in the building;
5. Obtain relevant information about fire safety management;
6. Make an assessment of the likely consequences to people in the event of a fire, at least in subjective terms;
7. Make an assessment of the fire risk;
8. Formulate and document an action plan, with prioritisation if appropriate;
9. Define the date by which the fire risk assessment should be reviewed.
DT Fire Systems are listed on the institute of Fire Engineers Affiliate organisation directory and have experience in all types of fire safety. We are able to provide detailed information regarding improvements and risks in line with the steps set out above. DT Fire Systems make recommendations for improvements and ensure you meet all legal requirements and those requirements set by your insurance company.
If you are located in Surrey, Surrey or Kent and would like to discuss your Fire Risk Assessment, please contact us on 0330 1226 999 or email and we can arrange a site visit to assess your requirements.