Fire Alarms & Fire Protection
With a commercial premises it is key to be fully compliant. This is important not only to meet legislative requirements, but also to ensure your business is protected in the event of a fire breaking out.

Here at DT Fire Systems we have extensive experience of supplying and installing fire alarms and fire protection systems for many different types of businesses. Whether you require a system for a school, hospital, factory, restaurant, office or other type of commercial premises, we can assess your requirements and install systems that meet these needs. We work with business owners, architects, building contractors and any fire safety officers to ensure your business is protected. We also offer a 24/7 call out option if this is required. All our work is carried out to British Safety Standards, meeting BS5839-1 Commercial or BS5839-6 Domestic, depending on your requirements.
We are able to work with many different types of fire alarm systems and protocols. some examples being Advanced, Kentec, Morley, EMS, Gent, Ampac, Apollo, System Sensor, Fike and Hochiki. We have experience in all types of systems and have worked with many addressable, conventional and wireless systems.
BS5839-1 2017 Categories
Category M systems Category M systems are manual systems and, therefore, incorporate no automatic fire detectors.
BS5839-1 2017 Category L systems Category L systems are automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems intended for the protection of life.
They are further subdivided into:
a) Category L1: systems installed throughout all areas of the building. The objective of a Category L1 system is to offer the earliest possible warning of fire, so as to achieve the longest available time for escape;
b) Category L2: systems installed only in defined parts of the building. A Category L2 system ought to include the coverage necessary to satisfy the recommendations of this standard for a Category L3 system; the objective of a Category L2 system is identical to that of a Category L3 system, with the additional objective of affording early warning of fire in specified areas of high fire hazard level and/ or high fire risk;
c) Category L3: systems designed to give a warning of fire at an early enough stage to enable all occupants, other than possibly those in the room of fire origin, to escape safely, before the escape routes are impassable owing to the presence of fire, smoke or toxic gases; NOTE 1 To achieve the above objective it is normally necessary to install detectors in rooms which open onto an escape route (see 8.2).
d) Category L4: systems installed within those parts of the escape routes comprising circulation areas and circulation spaces, such as corridors and stairways. The objective of a Category L4 system is to enhance the safety of occupants by providing warning of smoke within escape routes; NOTE 2 The installation of detectors in additional areas is not precluded, and the system could then still be regarded as a Category L4 system.
e) Category L5: systems in which the protected area(s) and/or the location of detectors is designed to satisfy a specific fire safety objective (other than that of a Category L1, L2, L3 or L4 system). Often, the design is based on a localized need for fire detection in only part of a building. Protection might be provided to compensate for some departure from normal guidance elsewhere or as a part of the operating system for a fire protection system. Such a system could be as simple as one that incorporates a single automatic fire detector in one room (in which outbreak of fire would create undue risk to occupants, either in the room or elsewhere in the building), but the system could comprise comprehensive detection throughout large areas of a building in which, for example, structural fire resistance is less than that normally specified for buildings of that type. NOTE 3 The protection afforded by a Category L5 system might, or might not, incorporate that provided by a Category L2, L3 or L4 system. 5.1.4 Category P systems Category P systems are automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems intended for the protection of property. They are further subdivided into: a) Category P1: systems installed throughout all areas of the building. The objective of a Category P1 system is to offer the earliest possible warning of fire so as to minimize the time between ignition and the arrival of firefighters; b) Category P2: systems installed only in defined parts of the building. The objective of a Category P2 system is to provide early warning of fire in areas of high fire hazard level, or areas in which the risk to property or business continuity from fire is high.
If you require fire prevention in your premises, we can Design, Install, Maintain and Commission the below services.:
- Fire Alarm Systems Conventional and Addressable
- Gas extinguishing systems
- HSSD systems – Early warning air sampling systems
- Beam detection
To discuss your fire prevention requirements, please contact DT Fire on 0330 1226 999 or email us on our friendly and professional team will be delighted to assist.